Early Literacy

What You Need To Know About Early Literacy

Early literacy is what children know about reading and writing before they actually begin to read or write. Research indicates that their experiences in the first three years is laying the building blocks for their language, reading and writing development. Parents and early childhood teachers play a critical role when it comes to literacy development. When considering child care providers for your child, look for media rich environments and access to materials that support drawing, writing and creating. Talk to your child’s care taker to see if they have opportunities to listen to music or sing during the day, and how often they are read to by an adult. Reading aloud is one of the most important activities that parents and teachers can do with children, and should be doing consistently and often. More words, more words, more words!

Reading aloud has many benefits:

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  • It introduces children to new vocabulary words.
  • It builds many important foundational skills.
  • It provides an example of fluent and expressive reading.
  • It boosts conversational skills.
  • It increases phonological awareness.
  • It teaches them that reading can be for enjoyment.


Support your child's literacy development:

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  • Offer to be your child’s class “librarian” by working with the teacher to select a series of appropriate-aged books to check out from the library each month.
  • Introduce your child to the library and book stores at an early age; attend the free story times offered and participate in reading challenges.
  • Ask your child’s teacher if you and other parents could be guest readers in the class each month.
  • Purchase new books for your child’s classroom and at home.
  • Read to your child every day, even if she was read to by another adult or sibling during the day.
  • Encourage your child to sing along to music and to remember nursery rhymes.



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  • Show your baby pictures in books. Describe the colors, objects, and meanings.
  • Ask your child care provider for the lyrics to the nursery rhymes they sing. Repeat them at home for reinforcement.
  • Encourage your child to use simple gestures, like shaking her head "no" or waving "bye-bye."
  • Repeat vowel sounds like "ba" "ma" and "da." Make eye contact and imitate their expressions.
  • The more words your baby is exposed to the better. Talk to them about your day, the weather outside or anything else that comes to mind.


AGE 1 TO 2

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  • Your child is pointing at pictures and engaging during story time. Ask your provider which books and songs your child likes best at child care, and talk to your child about them.
  • Read books daily. Make story time a part of your nightly routine. Allow your child to turn the pages, touch the words and pictures.
  • Sing the alphabet song on your way to school together.
  • Keep books throughout the house and make a comfortable reading area with pillows and cover just for your child.
  • Read a variety of books to your little one, especially poetry that rhymes.


AGE 2 TO 3

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  • Teach your child a “letter of the week.” Use chalk to write it on the driveway, paint it on paper, circle it in magazines, etc.
  • Read their favorite book over and over again. Read it with an accent, read it wearing costumes, or even sing it!
  • Have your child point out the letters she recognizes while grocery shopping or on signs as you drive.
  • Read slow enough to allow your child to build mental pictures.
  • Ask your child to pick out a book and a place for story time. Grant his wishes.


AGE 3 TO 4

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  • Make flash cards with pictures to assist your child with learning new words.
  • Read a story and have your child retell the story back to you.
  • During bath time have your child tell a story using their bath toys.
  • When reading, use lots of expressions, change your tone of voice, and adjust your pace to fit the story.
  • Check your local library and bookstore websites to find reading events, author visits and other fun outings where you can take your child.


AGE 4 TO 5

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  • Ask your child about the book they read at school today. Ask them to tell you about the characters.
  • After reading a story, ask your child to point out common words such as: up, and, go, run, or stop.
  • Work with your child to make up a story, then write it down.
  • Allow your preschooler to scribble letters without correction.
  • Point out common words at the grocery store, on cereal boxes, and road signs when driving.


Need More Information? Reading Rockets Early Literacy Development Get Ready to Read: Building Literacy Every Day NAEYC: Great Books to Read to Infants and Toddlers

Developmental Milestones

Understanding Developmental Milestones for Your Child

Do you remember your child’s first smile? Or, when she rolled onto her tummy, crawled or walked for the first time? During the moment, you were probably more excited for her accomplishments and less focused on the fact that these special minutes were also important milestones in her development.

Developmental milestones are physical skills and behaviors, such as described above, that are seen in your children as they grow. It’s important to realize that every child is different as is their developmental timeline. However, certain milestones should still occur within a certain age range. By understanding the normal range for when your child should reach a particular milestone you can support her development in specific areas as well as spot any potential delays.

If you do identify any delays or have concerns, discuss them with your pediatrician at your child’s next well visit. Be sure to talk with your child care provider as well to see if she has any concerns about your child’s progress so that you can take that into account when talking with your doctor.

Monitoring Your Child’s Milestones:

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  • First, become familiar with all of the developmental milestones using one of the resources below.
  • Next, print a developmental milestones chart for your child’s age and track her progress.
  • Keep notes of any concerns or delays to discuss with your pediatrician; share your concerns with your child’s teacher to see if she has any feedback as well.




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  • Soon after birth your baby will begin to smile and respond to affection. Don’t forget to capture these precious moments on camera!
  • Around three months, your baby should turns towards familiar sounds and make eye contact for fairly long periods of time.
  • By his first birthday your child should be locating sources of voices with accuracy and understanding frequently used words such as: “all gone,” “no,” and “bye-bye.”
  • Encourage your baby's development by allowing him to have supervised tummy-time.
  • Make sure you are attending regular check-ups during your baby’s first year and discussing your child’s development with her pediatrician.


AGE 1 TO 2

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  • You’ll start to see your child become more excited to be in the company of other children and also start to imitate the behavior of others more.
  • During this stage, your child will understand simple instructions such as: “give to daddy,” “kiss mommy,” and “stop.”
  • Some of the skills your child will do this year is crawl on her hands and knees and pull up into standing independently at a stable surface.
  • Soon your child will be walking alone, carrying toys while walking, beginning to run, standing on tip toes, and kicking balls.
  • Around the age of two, your child should be able to unbutton large buttons and undress independently.


AGE 2 TO 3

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  • Your toddler will be able to follow two or three-phrase commands, sort objects by color or shapes, and imitate adults and playmates.
  • Most 2-3 year olds can link four to five words together for simple sentences but may stutter while thinking about what to say.
  • During this stage, expect your child to walk down stairs independently using one or both feet on each step.
  • Between the ages of 2 and 3, most children can throw a tennis ball forward. Keep working on the catching!
  • Your child will begin to understand opposites, such as: big/little, go/stop, hot/cold, and up/down.


AGE 3 TO 4

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  • Your child’s problem solving skills are really developing. Provide him with simple, large floor puzzles to put together to aid in his development!
  • If you have not introduced your child to a tricycle or bike yet, now is the time! Both help to support his motor skills development.
  • Around the age of 4, your child should be able to work zippers and put on her socks all by herself.
  • This year, look for your child to begin copying some capital letters, drawing circles and squares, using scissors, and drawing people with two to four body parts.
  • During this age, children love listening to stories. Ask them "why" questions while you are reading to further engage them.


AGE 4 TO 5

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  • Five-year-olds should be able to fix themselves cold cereal and pour some juice or milk, but you should still expect some spills. Encourage this act of independence.
  • By the time your child enters kindergarten, she should be completely self-sufficient in the bathroom, though she still may not be proficient at wiping.
  • At this age, your child’s pencil control is improving and he can color neatly inside the lines.
  • Remember how much fun board games were when you were small? Your child is old enough now to follow simple rules in board or card games. Uno, anyone?
  • Your child’s communication skills have really advanced in this last year. She should be able to speak clearly, understand and use future tense (such as “will be”) and tell a simple story using full sentences.



Need More Information?

Centers for Disease Control Developmental Milestones American Academy of Pediatrics: HealthyChildren.org Ages and Stages University of Michigan Health System YourChild Development and Behavior Resources Growing Hands On Kids: Fine Motor Development for Ages 0 – 6

Picky Eaters

How Can You Help Expand Your Picky Eater's Menu Selections?

There’s no sure fire explanation of why some children are more adventurous eaters and why others want the same foods day after day and refuse to try anything new. Some people believe that children are born “picky” eaters and others argue that it is how the child was raised. For some children, it is the first symptoms of sensory issues and they do not like certain food textures.

What we do know is that children only have access to the foods that parents and other adults in their life provide them. You can help your kids make good choices and be less “picky” from the very beginning if you make a commitment to buy and serve healthy foods for mealtimes and snack when they are young, and keep sweets and treats (yes, pizza is considered a treat) to a minimum.

For the first six months of life, breast milk, formula or a combination of the two is all that a baby needs. This means no juice or water, and definitely no cereal mixed with milk in the bottle! After your baby can sit up on their own, and a pediatrician agrees that your child is ready, you can begin introducing solids (such as pureed vegetables first. Many people disagree about which foods should be introduced first: cereals, green foods, orange or yellow foods, or even fruits. Talk with your child’s doctor about her recommendations and then start exploring for yourself.

Once you start feeding your child solids, the world opens up to so many yummy choices that you can share together. And no, that doesn’t mean you have to eat “baby food” but you can choose to eat carrots if your young child is eating pureed carrots!  See below for some general guidelines to help you raise a healthy eater and make meal times less stressful for everyone.

    1. 1. Establish a meal and snack schedule, and rules. Children love routines and that includes for meals and snacks. As to rules, come up with some that work for your family such as, no tv or electronics during meal times. This helps the family interact with each other, learn their hunger and full cues, and focus more on the meal.
    1. 2. Start family meal times as early as possible. Sitting down and eating with your baby helps to take the pressure off of them to eat and limits distractions. Plus, if they see their parents and siblings eating healthy, balanced meals, it creates positive role modeling for them.
  1. 3. Don’t rush meal times. Yes, children can be slower, but they need enough time to finish their food. It might not hurt for the adults to slow down too!
  1. 4. Only serve milk or water with meals. Be sure that your child does not finish her beverage before she begins eating or it may stop her from feeling hungry.
  1. 5. Limit snacking. If a child is allowed to over snack or graze all day, he probably will be less hungry and less interested in food at meal times.
  1. 6. Don’t stop serving a food just because your child does not like it the first time. It can take up to 13 - 15 introductions of a food for a child to really know whether or not they truly dislike it. Keep offering it, in small portions, over several months.
  1. 7. Be a food model. If your child only sees you eating fast food or junk, it will not inspire him to eat healthy. Try taking some of your favorite foods, like chicken fingers, and bake them instead of frying them.
  1. 8. Make meal times fun and interesting. You can spice up meals by using fun shapes, combining flavors and textures, and asking them to help in the preparation.

Resources: [su_list icon="icon: angle-right"]



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  • Be sure to talk with your child care provider about your baby’s feeding schedule and make sure you are on the same page.
  • During the baby stage of life, breast milk, formula, or a combination of the two provides children everything they need.
  • Around six months your baby should be ready to start solid foods, but talk with your pediatrician for advice on which foods to introduce first.
  • Label all of your baby's food materials (bottles, formula, and lunch bag) before sending them in to your child care provider.
  • Babies under six months should not be given fruit juice or water. After six months, to help prevent tooth decay, only put your child to bed with a bottle containing water.


AGE 1 TO 2

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  • Does your child need to drink more water? Dilute her juice with water to encourage more water consumption.
  • It’s normal for toddlers and preschoolers to have a large appetite one day and a little one the next. Keep offering them a healthy selection of foods for their growth.
  • Encourage your child to eat foods with fiber (fruits and vegetables). They may want to stick with chicken nuggets, fries, and macaroni but keep trying!
  • Interested in a daily sample menu for a two-year old? See the Healthy Children’s link for more ideas!
  • At this age, your child is getting better with self-feeding. Keep the unbreakable dishes close since you never know when they will get bored and their food will start flying.


AGE 2 TO 3

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  • Ask your provider how mealtimes work and how long they have to eat. Meals should be pleasant with interaction among the children and caregiver.
  • While your two year old may not eat a lot, they may show more interest in food if they share meals with the family and their food is cut bite-sized.
  • Make eating entertaining by cutting sandwiches with cookie cutters of various shapes and sizes.
  • Play with names: If your baby loves grapes and you are introducing them to blackberries, call them bumpy grapes. Call cauliflower, white broccoli.
  • Scale back on the snacks. Allow your child to work up an appetite for a healthy dinner.


AGE 3 TO 4

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  • Check with your provider to ensure your child has the opportunity to request seconds during snack and mealtimes.
  • Water makes up for most of our weight and is needed for optimal health. Be sure to give your child water throughout the day, and that it is offered during the day at child care.
  • Your child is more likely to eat healthy when you do! Share a healthy snack together and keep family dinners a priority.
  • Enlist your child to help with a small garden. Growing their own food may make them more willing to try new vegetables and fruits!
  • Serve similar foods together: cantaloupe and honeydew, broccoli and cauliflower, or steamed carrots and zucchini.


AGE 4 TO 5

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  • To promote healthy eating habits, make sure food is not treated as a reward or punishment.
  • Help your child drink more water by sending her to child care with her own labeled bottle of water each day.
  • Research shows that kids eat more veggies and fruits when they eat mealtimes with the family.
  • Take your child to the farmer's market and enroll their help in picking out the fruits and veggies.
  • Many little ones love dipping their food. Add some condiments to the mix: carrots and ranch, fruit and yogurt, or baked chicken and ketchup.


Connecting with your Provider

Connecting with Your Child Care Provider

Making a good connection with your child’s teacher is beneficial for you, the provider and most importantly, your child. Great communication is crucial to a good relationship. Always treat your childcare provider with respect and take an active interest in your child’s progress in the child care setting.

Keep in mind, as a parent, you and your child care provider are partners in nurturing your child and your reactions can help or hurt your child. The better the relationship, the easier it will be to talk about things, such as: noticing a bruise on your child’s leg, health problems, developmental milestones, picking up your child late or provider rate increases.

Studies show that children are better adjusted when parents and providers demonstrate a respectful relationship with consistent practices. Your child care provider has experience working with children, hours of training and certifications. Utilize your care giver for information about parenting and early childhood development. Work with them whenever possible to provide your child consistency and a supportive environment.

Tips for a Healthy Parent and Provider Relationship:

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  • Ensure your provider has the best way to contact you and your availability
  • During drop-off ask about the plan for today’s activities
  • During pick-up ask about your child’s day at school
  • Ask how you can volunteer during school hours or after hours
  • Attend class meetings and events
  • Arrange play dates or family walks outside of the program with your child’s classmates
  • Ask about your child’s favorite books or activities and reinforce them at home
  • Praise your child care provider! A hand written thank you note goes a long way.
  • Have at least one special provider to use as your point of contact
  • Keep an open mind and listen carefully to your provider, and communicate clearly as well
  • If you are experiencing problems, give your provider’s suggestions a try first




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  • Engage with one special provider each day to ask questions about your child or share information.
  • Get to know your child care provider better by showing interest in her life outside of the child care setting. Ask questions about her family, her weekend or other areas you know about.
  • Communicate with you child care provider as early as possible if you are going to be late for pick-up.
  • Talk to your provider about developmental milestones and how you can encourage your baby to reach another one.


AGE 1 TO 2

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  • Find out where the best source for information is. Is there a newsletter, email, or bulletin board you should check frequently?
  • During drop-off ask about the plan for today’s activities. Remember though that your provider may not be able to have a long discussion as other parents and children are arriving too.
  • If your child is experiencing a problem at child care, ask for your provider’s help. Listen and try her recommendations. Then assess and provide feedback as to whether their suggestion was successful.
  • Ask your provider about the happiest moments of your child's day. If it was story time, ask to borrow the book so that you can read it together at home.


AGE 2 TO 3

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  • Praise your child care provider! A hand written thank you note goes a long way.
  • Provide regular updates about your child. Your child's like and dislikes, allergies, or food preferences are important.
  • Don't be a stranger. Ask how you can volunteer during provider hours or help after hours.
  • Ask your provider what your child learned while in care today and how you can help reinforce it. Have a conversation about the topic with your child on the way home.


AGE 3 TO 4

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  • During drop off or pick up, look for opportunities to compliment your child and also your child care provider on a job well done!
  • Get to know the other children your child spends their day with at child care. Organize play-dates, a school picnic, or family get together.
  • Attend class meetings or events and make sure your child knows that you are there to support them!
  • Slow down during pick up. Take time to talk with your child care provider. Your child seeing the two of you bond will make them even happier.


AGE 4 TO 5

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  • Encourage your child to tell his provider “thank you” and to express his gratitude.
  • When your child talks about his day and fun or special learning moments, be sure to share these experiences with your child care provider.
  • Share articles about early childhood education with your provider to let her know that you are interested in her work as well as what your child is learning.
  • Give your child care provider recognition. Write a handwritten Thank Your card or bring her a gift card for a special treat.


Resources Provider Parent Relationships from Purdue Zero to Three: Choosing Quality Child Care

NCPP: Choosing Quality

Quality Counts: Choosing Early Care & Education Programs

Choosing child care is such a big decision it can often feel overwhelming. Your child needs a safe environment which promotes her growth and development. You need a program which supports your family values, encourages your child’s growth, and is safe, affordable, and convenient.  But, how do you begin to narrow down which provider is the best fit for you and your family?

North Carolina Childcare Resources, Inc offers the Quality Counts resource brochure that provides an overview of what families should look for when searching for quality child care. Quality Counts presents the range of available early care and education program options, North Carolina’s child care licensing standards, information concerning your responsibilities as a parent or guardian and checklists of quality indicators to use when interviewing and visiting programs. Download the brochure at our website: www.childcareresourcesinc.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Quality-Checklist-2016-Final.pdf

Look for These Quality Indicators When You Visit Child Care Programs:


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  • Look for the providers to be washing their hands after each diaper change, as well as washing the children's hands
  • Children should be instructed to wash their hands before each meal time



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  • What is the program's sick child exclusion policy?
  • How will you be notified about outbreaks of communicable diseases?


  1. 3) TOYS

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  • Are the toys in good condition and washed frequently?
  • Are toys switched out regularly?


  1. 4) MEALS

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  • Are menus posted prior to each meal service for parents?
  • Do children have the opportunity to request seconds?



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  • What opportunities do you have to participate in activities?
  • Are you welcome to visit your child at any time?



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  • Staff turnover should be low with the same provider remaining with the child/class for most of the year
  • Provider talks to your child at eye-level and responds positively to hurt or unhappy children



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  • Do you see any hazardous areas (uncovered outlets, chipping paint, dangling cords)?
  • Is the outdoor play area free of hazards such as glass, poison ivy, etc.?


GPP: Choosing Quality Rated Care

Why should you choose Quality Rated care for your child?

Choosing child care is such a big decision it can often feel overwhelming. Your child needs a safe environment which promotes her growth and development. You need a program which supports your family values, encourages your child’s growth, and is safe, affordable, and convenient.  But, how do you begin to narrow down which provider is the best fit for you and your family?

Luckily, we can help! First, become familiar with Georgia’s Quality Rated system. Then, visit each child care program you are interested in to identify quality indicators (listed below) for yourself.

What is Quality Rated?

Quality Rated is a Georgia initiative to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality in early education and school‐age care programs. Child care programs that are participating in Georgia’s Quality Rated have agreed to meet standards that exceed the state’s licensing requirements and are committed to improving the quality of care they provide to children. Programs are awarded one star, two stars, or three stars based on the results of a rigorous application process; and, star ratings – regardless of whether it is one, two or three stars – indicate a higher quality program.  Visit QualityRated.org for more information and to search for Quality Rated child care providers near you.

Learn the Quality Indicators:


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  • Look for the providers to be washing their hands after each diaper change, as well as washing the children's hands
  • Children should be instructed to wash their hands before each meal time



[su_list icon="icon: angle-right"]

  • What is the program's sick child exclusion policy?
  • How will you be notified about outbreaks of communicable diseases?


  1. 3) TOYS

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  • Are the toys in good condition and washed frequently?
  • Are toys switched out regularly?


  1. 4) MEALS

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  • Are menus posted prior to each meal service for parents?
  • Do children have the opportunity to request seconds?



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  • What opportunities do you have to participate in activities?
  • Are you welcome to visit your child at any time?



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  • Staff turnover should be low with the same provider remaining with the child/class for most of the year
  • Provider talks to your child at eye-level and responds positively to hurt or unhappy children



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  • Do you see any hazardous areas (uncovered outlets, chipping paint, dangling cords)?
  • Is the outdoor play area free of hazards such as glass, poison ivy, etc.?


Use this checklist to help you during your visits: http://www.qualitycareforchildren.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/QCC_Child-Care-Checklist_04.05.16.pdf