Children are Full of Questions and That’s a Good Thing

Raising a curious child is the spark that drives a lifetime of learning. Not only does it lead to exploration and discovery but it leads to the mastery of learning as the cycle repeats itself every time when something new is discovered. These wonders and experiences help your child’s social and emotional development as well as intellectually.

Thankfully, and unlike forty years ago, when a child now asks “why is the sky blue?” we can easily search online for an answer that we can easily explain. However, part of satisfying your child’s curiosity should be supporting their quest for the answer instead of just answering the question. For instance, you can honestly say “I don’t know. Let’s research it together.” Then, see if you can also find an age-appropriate experiment that will allow you and your child to find the answer. Children who are curious not only ask questions, they seek answers.

Children, at every age, enjoy sharing what they know and it is no different when they are curious and discover something new. Show your appreciation and enthusiasm when responding to your child as you do not want to tamper their excitement. This learning experience helps children build confidence and self-esteem, and research has shown that children with less curiosity are harder to teach and less likely to join social groups and activities.

Tips for Supporting Your Child’s Curiosity

  • Keep interesting objects and items in your house that your child can touch and move around.

  • When your child notices something new, ask them questions about it and find out what caught their attention.

  • Encourage natural interests. If your child loves cars, take them to car shows, show them what the engine looks like and read books with them about cars.

  • Encourage unstructured play so that your children have the freedom to use their imagination and creativity.

  • Travel is a fantastic way to support your child’s curious nature. Even if it is visiting the grandparents a few minutes away, set some time to explore something new while there.

  • It’s easy to get a bit tired of question after question after question but try to remember that this is how your child learns.

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