Child Care Provider Month!
Celebrate Your Child Care Provider This Month!
It’s National Teacher Appreciation Month! Hopefully, you let your child care program know how much you value them on a regular basis. But this month, we encourage you to take a little extra care of the people who take care of your family and let them know how much you appreciate them.
Feel free to lavish love, cards and support on your child’s provider. Need ideas on how you can make this month special? See below!
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- Have your child draw a picture of her child care teacher, and caption it with what your child loves best about the teacher.
- Take your caregiver some fresh picked flowers from your yard.
- During drop-off or pick-up, tell her how much you appreciate her care and love of your child.
- Find out what her favorite morning drink is and surprise her with it when you drop-off your child.
- Purchase some new books for the classroom and dedicate them to your child’s teacher as an appreciation gift.
- Organize with other parents to provide a homemade meal she can take home with her after a long day at work.
- Send a note to other parents in your child’s child care program letting them know it’s National Teacher Appreciation Month, and encourage them to share their love.
See below for other tips to show your appreciation to your child care provider all year long.
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- Praise your child care provider! A hand written thank you note goes a long way.
- Keep an open mind and listen carefully to your child care provider when she wants to discuss issues or concerns.
- Communicate with you child care provider as early as possible if you are going to be late for pick-up.
- Remember that your childcare providers are human. Always greet them with a smile.
AGE 1 TO 2
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- Offer to help. Ask about volunteer opportunities or items needed in the classroom.
- Build trust and respect with your provider by discussing any concerns you have directly with them first.
- Get to know your child’s teacher better. Ask how her weekend was, learn her hobbies and about her family.
- Turn some of your child's artwork into a handwritten thank you note for your provider.
AGE 2 TO 3
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- Establish preferred methods of communication with your childcare provider. Remember, arrivals and departures are usually too busy for long discussions.
- Share with your provider the positive stories and comments that your child tells you about her day.
- Don't be a stranger. Ask how you can volunteer during provider hours or help after hours.
- Smile and thank your child care professionals for the work they provide.
AGE 3 TO 4
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- Build a great relationship with your child care provider. This will come in handy when you have questions or concerns.
- At drop-off, allow time for your child to finish what he is doing and clean up. Your provider will thank you for helping him become more independent.
- Attend class meetings or events, and help to set-up before or clean up afterwards.
- Give your child care provider recognition. Be sure to tell her boss what a good job she is doing or how much your child is learning.
AGE 4 TO 5
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- Support your child care provider at home and do not talk negatively about her or the program in front of your child.
- Ask your provider if there is a need for volunteers. Then help recruit other parents too.
- Slow down during pick up. Take some time to talk with your child care provider. Your child seeing the two of you bond will make him even happier.
- Even if you are in a hurry, don’t forget your manners. Say “please” and “thank-you” to your provider, and be sure your child hears you doing so.
Still need some more ideas? Try these links for help:
Teacher Appreciation Education World: Recognizing Teachers All Year Long