GA Parent Power (June 2/2): Car Seat Safety


Is Your Child’s Car Seat Safe?

We know that keeping your child safe is always at the top of your mind. While there are many things beyond our control, vehicle safety as it pertains to car seats is not one of them. Having your child in a car seat that is safely installed and correct for her age is the most effective device in preventing serious injury or death in a vehicle crash.

However, more than 75% of car seats are installed incorrectly. On top of that, many parents are unaware of Georgia’s car seat safety laws and are using inappropriate car seats for the age and size of their child.

Here’s some tips and resources to help ensure that your child will be as safe as possible when traveling in a vehicle:

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  • Unsure if your car seat is installed correctly? Stop by your local fire department and ask for a free safety check.
  • Be sure to check out Georgia car seat laws and suggestions to make sure your child is in the car seat that is right for her.
  • Keep rear-facing car seats turned towards the rear until your child no longer fits in this position.
  • Be sure to read your car seat’s instruction manual and register on the company’s website in case of recalls or safety notices.
  • Never, ever leave a child in a parked vehicle without an adult present. Heat strokes do not require temperatures to be especially hot or for a child to be left for a long period. Be sure to always #LookAgain to make sure that all children are out of the vehicle.


Suggested Resources for Car Seat Safety:

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