Georgia Parent Power blog
Reading & Writing
Early literacy is sometimes confused with a child’s ability to read and write at a young age. In reality, early literacy means the development of oral language and literacy skills that begins at birth through every day interactions such as talking, singing and reading to your baby. From these activities, babies develop listening skills and an interest in sounds.Parents, siblings and child care providers play an important role in helping young children understand the language that they will eventually use themselves.
Read Across Georgia Month
Growing young readers may take some time and commitment on your part but the benefits are so much greater than you can imagine. Begin sharing books with your baby as soon as you are able, and carve out time each day – before bed, in the early afternoon, or after bath time – whatever works for you.Reading aloud to your child builds many foundational skills, introduces vocabulary, provides a model of fluent, expressive reading, promotes bonding and helps children understand that reading is for pleasure as well as learning.