Time: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Contact: 404-479-4230
Registration Deadline: 5/10/19 – noon
Seating Available: 75
Cost: Free - Please be considerate and cancel if you are unable to attend to allow someone else to register
Covenant Presbyterian Church
1065 Gaines School Rd.
Athens, GA 30605
Class Description: This is a full day Super Saturday event and you must attend all day to receive the full credit of 6 hours. Several different tracks till be offered. You will choose your track upon arriving at the event. Tracks include:
Beginning ECE Teacher (1 - 3 years of experience) - Classes include: Art 102-Best Practices to Support Quality Rated; Hitting, Kicking, and Screaming….OH MY!; and Read it Again
Intermediate ECE Teacher (4 or more years of experience) - Classes include: Brain Development; and Ouch! Charlie Bit Me! Building Developmentally Appropriate Methods for Social-Emotional Competence in Young Children
Administrator - Classes include: The Right Fit-Recruiting, Selecting, and Orienting Staff
Comments: 6 Hours of State Approved training.