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Mealtimes With Toddlers in the CACFP Webinar

Mealtimes with Toddlers in the CACFP

Contact: 404-479-4230
Registration Deadline: July 11 at noon
Cost: $10.00 per person + Eventbrite fees

Online Webinar

Description: Toddlers, children 1-2 years of age, are growing and developing quickly. They are learning about themselves and the world around them, even at mealtimes. This training will assist child care providers in providing nutritious meals and fostering healthy eating habits. Topics include the CACFP meal pattern for toddlers, food safety, and tips on feeding toddlers.

2 hours BFTS state-approved training

Once you are registered, an email will be sent 1-2 days prior to the training with log in information and handouts.

Register here

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