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Local Foods in ECE

Local Foods in ECE

Contact: 404-479-4230
Registration Deadline: May 12th at noon
Cost: $5.00 per person + Eventbrite fees

Online Webinar

Local Foods in ECE will help child care providers recognize the benefits of local foods for children, their program, and their community. We will identify sources of local foods throughout the state, and answer questions regarding compliance with CACFP.

General Guidelines:

  • This is a live webinar with a power point presentation.  Phoning in to listen only is not allowed.  If possible, please have a video camera on during the training to fully engage and get the most out of the training.

  • Cost:$5.00 per person + Eventbrite fees

  • Space limited to 50 participants

  • Once you are registered, an email will be sent the day before with information on how to join the webinar, and handouts. 

Register here

May 6

Planning Developmentally Appropriate Menus Webinar

May 15

Moving and Playing: Physical Activity for Young Children