Let’s Work Together to Strengthen Your Family

Parenting isn’t always easy, especially as parents play many roles: cook, taxi driver, educator, doctor, playmate, and on and on. It really is a 24-hour, seven day a week job. It can be exhausting and frustrating at times…but also very rewarding and fulfilling.

We want to help more of Georgia’s families experience the positives of parenting more frequently. One of the ways we are doing this is by introducing parents and caregivers to the Five Protective Factors from Strengthening Families, a research-informed approach by the Center for the Study of Social Policy, that has proven to increase family strengths, enhance child development and reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect.

For more of our families to thrive, they need to better understand their strengths, build the necessary skills, and obtain the supports needed to be happy and increase the health and well-being of their family. The Five Protective Factors are attributes that benefit every family by helping them find resources, supports, and coping strategies that allow them to parent effectively, even under stress.

The Five Protective Factors are:

  1. Parental Resilience: the ability for parents to bounce back and grow stronger from challenges

  2. Knowledge of Child Development: understanding your child’s development so you can parent better and more effectively

  3. Social & Emotional Competence of Children: helping your child develop the social and emotional skills needed to learn and develop relationships

  4. Social Connections: understanding that parents need friends too, and are fulfilled when they give and get support

  5. Concrete Support in Times of Need: having a list of resources you can turn to when needed

Each month, beginning in October, we’ll feature a new Georgia Parent Power article that explains each of the Five Protective Factors and corresponding parenting tips to use to help keep your family happy, safe, and secure.

In the meantime, check out our new Strengthening Families webpage to learn lots more about each of the Five Protective Factors and other organizations and resources that support strong families.

Also, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at @QCCGeorgia for additional parenting tips, news and information.


For more than 40 years, Quality Care for Children's mission has been to ensure that Georgia’s infants and young children are nurtured and educated so that every child can reach their full potential by helping:

- child care programs provide nutritious meals and educational care to young children so they are ready for success in school,

- parents access quality child care so that they can attend college or succeed in the workplace.


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