GA Parent Power (May 1/2): Look Again!

Don’t Forget to #LookAgain to Prevent Vehicular Heatstroke Deaths in Children

Each year we hear of a child’s death due to heatstroke from accidentally being left in a car. These deaths are preventable. Below are some tips for parents and caregivers to follow so this tragedy doesn’t happen to you:

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  • Never, ever leave a child in or near a parked vehicle alone, even for a short amount of time.
  • #LookAgain: Always be sure to check the back seats and under the seats before locking and leaving the vehicle.
  • Create a reminder system that lets you know your child is still in the back seat (ex. tie a ribbon around your wrist while your child is in the car or place your purse/briefcase in the backseat so that you have to open the rear door).
  • If your child is in child care, ensure that you know your provider’s policy regarding class trips and drop-off;  how do they verify that every child has left the vehicle? Do they have more than one person checking and counting that all children have exited?
  • Make sure parked cars around your home are kept locked at all times and discourage playing in cars.


For more information, please see:

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