GA Parent Power (May 2/2): Child Care Provider Month

It’s Georgia Child Care Provider Month! Show Your Love!

In Georgia, May is Child Care Provider Appreciation Month! While we advocate for celebrating these Very Important People all year round, we hope that this month you will take a little extra care of the people who take care of your family!

Child Care Provider Month How can you show your child’s caregiver how much she means to you and your family? See our ideas below, and follow the links for even more fun.

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  • Have your child draw a picture of her child care teacher, and caption it with what your child loves best about the teacher.
  • Email the child care provider you attended and let him/her know how much they meant to you as a child.
  • Take your caregiver some fresh picked flowers from your own garden.
  • Simply share how much you appreciate her care and love of your child during drop-off or pick-up one day.
  • Find out what her favorite gourmet coffee is and surprise her with a cup one morning.
  • Purchase some new books for the classroom and dedicate them to your child’s teacher as an appreciation gift.
  • Organize with other parents to provide a handmade meal she can take home with her after a long day at work.


Still need some more ideas? Try these links for help:

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